Clinics involved in Hampshire Backs
There are several clinics which are involved in providing services in the Hamsphire Backs spinal pathway.
As a patient with back or neck pain, you will be seen at one of these clinics.

With more than 20 years’ experience serving both the public and private sectors, we are industry leading experts and passionate believers in our distinct clinical philosophy. Ascenti is a dynamic and progressive company – advancing physical therapies by making them more accessible to all, raising standards and pioneering new digitally enabled physiotherapy and musculoskeletal (MSK) services.
Our amazing people make us who we are and lift us above the competition – with a national network of 300 directly employed Ascenti clinicians delivering upwards of 600,000 treatment sessions every year. Enabling people to make headway after illness and injury, step back in to work after accidents, or simply stay active and keep moving forward in their daily lives.

Back Active
Back Active is not a new organisation rather it is the updated name and for what was previously known as Back2Health in Southsea, Midhurst and our NHS spinal service. The Back2Health brand was introduced 22 years ago when the understanding of how to treat problems with muscle, joints and spine problems was based on the idea that health care providers delivered health – providing a permanent cure, with patients largely being passive recipients of treatment. As science and guidelines have moved on the focus of is increasingly towards patient being active participants in their care and helping them learn to look after themselves.
To reflect these changes we have rebranded as Back Active with a new logo. I hope you agree the change of branding gives us a more up to-date feel and also illustrates that the focus of the service we provide is in helping those we treat to regain activity and a full rich quality of life.

Premier Physical Healthcare
Premier Physical Healthcare is a company of chartered physiotherapists and state registered podiatrists who work in close association with medical specialists to treat, rehabilitate and prevent recurrence of injuries.
We have an ever-expanding network of clinics located in health and fitness centres throughout the country with the focus in London and Oxfordshire.
In this setting we design programs of rehabilitation aimed specifically at the individual’s requirements. For example, if re-introduction to sport were the aim, then an intensive program of strengthening and stretching would be required.
Do you have any questions about your appointment?
Contact us here

You can call the Hampshire Backs Headquarters directly on 01256 305214

Email Hampshire Backs Headquarters: Hampshire.Backs@nhs.net
Email regarding the online pain management programme and all other queiries: